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Inglese Barbieri

Dario BARBIERI, the "Sire", as his friends had defined him for his composure before even his results, was born in Milan. He started playing at 27 years old in the Corvetto Bowling Center with the Piranha Sports Association, thanks to Agos VITALE, President of the association, who saw him on the slopes decided to give him bowls, shoes and a bag to tie him to the world of bowling. And in fact in the world of bowling Barbieri entered to be part of great protagonist, joining other athletes of high level, Novelletto, Braghieri, Cangemi taken as model at first and then, gradually, surpassed in results. Dario Barbieri remains the most famous Italian athlete, not only for the 7 Italian singles titles in category "A", of which 5 won consecutively, but also for the statements in the events of double team, three and team and for international successes. Important victories at the City of Milan, the City of Turin and the city of Cinisello, major team tournaments in those years, but above all memorable remains the conquest of the bronze medal at the World Championship with the national team. He also played often in tournaments across the border with the club of Angelo Fucarino, the Corvetto, where he served after being part of the Piranha and then the Cobra of Milan, passing after the experience of the Corvetto at the Carpano of Turin, team that included in its ranks athletes of the caliber of Caffaratti, Sorba, Monti and Carravieri, then ending his competitive career in the club of "Capo" Vittorio Novelletto among the Cobra of Milan.
Sire, thank you for the many victories and for your presence in our world!
Thank you.

      Damy Trapani

Gran Bretagna
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